Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Still Here

Bryan and CheeAik playing with their ps2

Tesse, her husband and my uncle (the older uncle, i have 2 uncles living here)

I was so happy to see Jacky Wu on tv

Heres me enjoying the tv haha

I went around exploring on my own today, I feel much better walking around alone. I feel uncomfortable walking around with people I'm not too close with because we have different preferences and I dont wanna impose on them. Exploring alone also forces me to think more about the surroundings make decisions by myself.
I went to Temppeliaukio, the Stone Church. The exterior is made up of stones with just the dome of the 'building' visible. Lovely place but overcrowded with tourists. I was lucky, someone was playing the piano when I entered. Not a big place but so serene. The photos I took didn't do justice to the place so I decided to take a video.

Sitting at the pew

In one of the walkways in the church

Look at the green roof

Then I went to the National Museum, Kansanllismuseo. I looked it up in the map before I left for the Temppeliaukio and confidently decided that I WILL NOT wield a map in my hands while walking on the streets lest I look like a dorky tourist. But the streets are pretty easy to navigate anyway.

Outside the National Museum

How thrilled was I when I saw this. I devoted a semester in school learning about this haha. Yea dork...

This is how uncrowded the streets look like

Still in the museum

Hehe love this pic

Another pic of the street

One week here feels like FOREVER I swear I am going crazy. Thank God for the power of cellphones and international network hahaha. I will head to Sweden and Estonia in late August or early September. My cruise to Stockholm, Sweden is on the 1st of Sept, cool. But my teeny boopy cousin is tagging along.... So I guess I can't do much on the cruise, boooo... I read that the parties on the cruises are real haps :(
After visiting the church and museum, I went shopping! And.... didn't get anything! omg. This will not do. The shopping here..... sucks. I can cover all the shops in Helsinki, extensively, in just one day. Haven't seen a Dolce&Gabbana or a Miumiu or a Gucci boutique. Not even Ralph Lauren...... I saw Burberry, Escada, Hugo Boss, Versace Jeans, Armani Jeans in the bigger department stores but the choices are veryvery limited. Sigh......... Boringggg....................
One happy thing today though, I saw a cute chinese boy in one of the shopping centers haha. It's so hard to see a chinese here, lest a cute chinese boy.
Word of the day: lest

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