Saturday, August 04, 2007

Pre-Trip Rush

HOHO! From the day I bought my air tickets, I've been caught in a mad rush! From studying for the GRE to going back to school to kiss my professors' asses so that they would be nice and write nice things on my recommendation. I have also been busy packing, buying random stuffs to bring on the trip and spending time with some people so that I wouldn't miss them as much when I leave.

I know it's not a big deal, I'm going for only a month. But when you're alone in a foreign country, all you long for is the warmth and comfort of familiarity. I spent some time away before and after only 2-3 weeks I was *dying* to taste local food. Yeah, it was hard.

So anyways. I'm leaving on Tuesday, the 7th of August. Not feeling the excitement just yet. I remember a couple of years ago a few friends and I were just hanging out and we decided to go to HK for a holiday. We got our tickets and within a week, we flew over. I had an amazing time there and that it was executed on such short notice added to my happiness and sense of fulfillment. Uh back to my Scandinavian story. I don't mind long flights but devilishly long transit hours?! Wtf am I going to do for 7 hours?? Early in the morning?? My ETA at the Amsterdam airport is 0545. I will have to wait till 1330 before I can get on the flight to Helsinki. I can only hope that the Dutch are early risers.

I packed for cool weather and please, don't let the temperature fall below 12 deg C! I packed shorts and summer dresses and I do wanna be able to wear them! I'm still deciding on the number of pairs of shoes I should bring (3? 4? 5?) and whether or not a pair of heels is necessary (probably not).

I still have some very important errands to do before leaving, sigh. Okay, so as the title suggests, I will try to keep the contents as relevant as possible and I will dutifully update this with pictures when I get there. If you're looking to read about the scandals, I'm sorry bumblebee, you're on the wrong site. My other site is www.*********.com. Haha!

Ciao for now!


belle said...

coolness! oh, pack some tights to go with ur shorts! i'm sure it'll keep you warm! hahaha.

ckcw5 said...

have fun girl! take care!...n take lotsa pics ya...