Friday, August 17, 2007

Tired Feet

Today I walked for about 1.5 hours to get to the island I wanted to visit. The distance was like walking from my house to YioChuKang. My flip flops look so worn out only after wearing them like thrice. And with all the walking I've done the past few days, my leg muscles are pretty sore. Imagine walking at least 6 hours at a stretch for everyday. In flip flops. Or nice shoes. Without proper foot support. Blisters galore!

Okay enough talk. Here are the pictures.

The Sibelius monument commemorating the composer Jean Sibelius. Surprise surprise, I've heard his Violin Concerto.

On my way to the open air museum, Seurasaari. These ducks got balls, they ain't afraid of humans!

Creepy inside the old houses. But I like the smell of the wood, reminds me of my childhood days when I stayed at my grandparents house during the holidays. My grandparents have since passed away and the land on which the house stood on has been sold.
At the entrance of these houses, there will be someone sitting there, engaged in some sort of 'traditional' activity. Like sewing, cross stitch, reading some worn, antique book. These people were dressed in 'traditional' wear and I was impressed at the effort they put in in guaranteeing an experience as authentic as possible.

And this is the freaking restroom!!!! Fcking stinky! There's no water and visitors have to scoop some dry stuff to throw into the toilet after finishing their business. This stupid dry stuff doesn't remove the fcking stench of urea like water does but I had to use the toilet badly so I went in with tissue over my nose and mouth. So much for the experience of authenticity!!!! And of cos I took pictures for memories. As bad as those in China.

Realized that my soles were dirt black from walking.

Lovely house with some plant eating it up.

Celica gen6??

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