Sunday, August 12, 2007

Garden Party

Just a mini bbq and crayfish session at Eric and Peter's place...
me and my cousin at the central train station

tong getting his bbq on
it is true that the finnish are reserved. or maybe they're just less receptive to asians. or lame tourists like me. whatevs

a very nice strawberry cake which peter made. hes the dude in red. he and a couple of others picked 30kg of strawberries from a nearby farm.

this girl has the hugest tummy i've ever seen on a kid
one of the rare pictures of myself
I can't wait to go to Sweden and Estonia.... I was telling my brother that I hope to see some soccer players here and he said I'm mad cos it's soccer season now and they're not hanging around anymore. And I would think that most of them are based in England. I thought about going to England and Spain and France but I don't think that there's enough time. So I guess that will have to wait till next year.
I think my cousin's hormones are taking over her, she's like "abc said that I'm so pretty", "Your friend is so cute", "Can I be his pen pal?" WTF??! Hahahaha I know this is quite mean but I really do need some place to bitch!
I had an amazing dream last night about an old flame. Not rated or anything, just very sweet. And he was driving the fairlady z! Haha! Nice combination made me happy for awhile although it was very bizarre.
I've been invited to another lunch\dinner tomorrow at Tesse's house. Will take more pictures.

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